About Us
Meet the Team

Hello! We are the Moss Family! In May of 2015, after more than a year of planning, we sold our home and packed up what we had left into an RV.
Living with less has been an exciting journey that has opened our eyes to what the world can offer if we are not hiding behind so much stuff.
We are still stuffaholics, but hope this journey will help us focus on what matters most in life...relationships.
Marissa is a nurse, wife, mother, and sister of 6 brothers and sisters. She loves being outdoors, traveling to new places, and spending time with family.
Her whole life she always wanted to be a mother. After the birth of her daughter, she knew she wanted to spend as much time with her family as she could. If that meant selling the house and most of our stuff, she was all in!
We love making life an adventure together. We traveling the country making memories that will last a lifetime. Minimalism has not came easy to me, but it is a struggle I have overcame and I am loving every minute of our travel lifestyle.

Nathan is our computer wiz and lover of all things geeky. He is a sucker for technology and sweets. A wonderful husband, father of the year, and entrepreneur all rolled into one.
I have never met a person more devoted to becoming a better person daily, He is an inspiration to our family and others.
This man is truly a super hero and we couldn't do this journey without him.
Hensley is our feisty miracle. After a long journey of infertility and LOTS of prayer, she blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined. She is a nature lover, has DRAMA for days, and a huge daddy's girl.
I know every parent thinks they have a smart child, but she amazes us everyday with her knowledge and love for life. She loves to count, say her ABC's, sing songs with daddy's guitar, watch tractor videos, read books, and eat (she is our child of course).
This sweet girl is a true gift from God and she is going to do big things in her life.

JJ (Judah James) joined the team in March of 2019. Much like Hensley, infertility pushed back JJ's entrance into this world by a few years but we couldn't be more grateful for God's timing over our timing!